Sorry, I accidentally send this to just Hans, it should of course have gone to the list.

Hi, Hans!

The general interface just provides a list of (device_type, button_number, button_range, button_intended_use) or something (don't remember details). Chuck implements some of those choices, hardcoded with respect to (device_type, button_intended_use).

Indeed, ChucK takes the most common and universal ones. It's not perfect but as a simplified interface it's quite pleasant to work with and mostly gets most of the job done.

[chuck](VM): sporking incoming shred: 1 (
mouse 'SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad' ready

So this means that the touchpad has been registered as type mouse.

Yes, indeed. Frankly I think that so far it's a clear cut case. I feel it's a mouse, my windows manager (Gnome) agrees it's a mouse and ChucK accepts it as one yet there is no data coming in or being printed from You do have a valid point about the difference in scanning between a regular mouse and a pad but at least the buttons should be buttons in any case yet I'm not seeing buttonpresses. This is why I suspect something is wrong.

I do believe touchpads also output the change in position.

They may or may not, I think - they HIDs can pretty much choose what varibles they want to provide. There was another thread withy this track-pad problem.

Yeah.... but this is not some exotic specialised device. I would think it's quite clear that a touchpad on a laptop will be used as a mouse.


If you have a Mac with gcc on it, you might try the program I hacked up. It lists all the variables for all attached HIDs.

No, sorry, I do have some Linux computers with GCC on them.
