On 1/16/07, altern
the easiest way to send/receive OSC i know is using python. It gets as simple as this: import osc osc.init() osc.sendMsg('/blah', [6.9999])
For this you need to install python www.python.org and SimpleOSC library for python http://www.ixi-software.net/content/download/simpleosc0.2.3.zip To install simpleosc you can use the setup.py from command line or just uncompress the zip and copy the osc folder into c:\Python2.x\Lib\site-packages check readme.txt file and app.py example for detailes on how to use.
When I try import osc osc.init() from the Python console in Windows, it works. When I put it in a file then run "python mine.py" it fails with the message that "init" is not defined. What could the difference be?
good luck
Sincerely, Tom Lieber http://AllTom.com/ http://GadgetLife.org/