On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 8:53 AM,
The computer interface I am planning is an analog one. It will receive stereo audio from the headphones jack and send stereo audio to the line-in Jack. This way we can generate whatever signals we want from ChucK and pipe them into EChucK on adc.left and adc.right. We can also receive two separate audio signals on dac.left and dac.right.
Sounds like an idea. I was thinking you were talking about the CONTROLLING interface.
I was sort of generalizing the stereo input and outputs into a pair of do-anything audio outs and do-anything audio ins. This opens up many possibilities for ChucK to control EChuck or provide signals for EChucK. Don't have a filtered noise module in your EChucK module collection? Just write a ChucK program and you've got it. Want an analog multiplier but don't have a multiplier module? send the two signals to line-in, have ChucK multiply them, and receive your result on headphones out.
That's the idea. The computer interface module will be just a quad opamp circuit with perhaps variable gain/attenuation and diode clamping for the line-in signals to protect your computer. It should be quite low in cost, just $5 or so in parts + profit margin for the seller. Other computer interfaces such as USB, parallel port, etc. are planned but I'm doing the simplest, easiest modules first to get a working prototype built and tested/working. Cheers!
Are all these modules going to strictly Analog? Is there going to be some spec for a digital control interface? This is the part that I was thinking you were talking about. Mike
Les (Inventor)
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