Aha, sorry I didn't realise that you meant the pointer on the screen.
Actually, this is an interesting question. Hid tracks mouse motion rather than mouse position, so it's not so easy to create a ChucK patch that depends on the mouse's position on the screen. (ie trigger a sound when the mouse is in the upper left hand corner.)
I modified the mouse.ck example below. It prompts you to enter the screen size (one could easily set this up as an argument; is there any way for ChucK to access this property without user input?) and calibrates the mouse position from the upper left hand corner.
This works fine if I move the mouse slowly, but it's not absolutely correlative to the pointer position on the screen. Any suggestions on how to refine this?
Chuck code follows:
// mouse-pos.ck
// make HidIn and HidMsg
Hid hi;
HidMsg msg;
// make ConsoleInput
ConsoleInput in;
// which mouse
0 => int device;
// get from command line
if( me.args() ) me.arg(0) => Std.atoi => device;
// open mouse 0, exit on fail
if( !hi.openMouse( device ) ) me.exit();
<<< "mouse '" + hi.name() + "' ready", "" >>>;
int atZero, mouseX, mouseY, screenWidth, screenHeight;
// prompt user to enter screen size
in.prompt( "enter screen width:" ) => now;
in.getLine() => Std.atoi => screenWidth;
in.prompt( "enter screen height:" ) => now;
in.getLine() => Std.atoi => screenHeight;
in.prompt( "mouse mouse to upper left corner and press enter.") => now;
/* alternative method - calibrate via mouse click
<<< "Move mouse to upper left corner and click" >>>;
while (!atZero)
hi => now;
while( hi.recv( msg ) )
if( msg.isButtonDown() )
1 => atZero;
// infinite event loop
while( true )
// wait on HidIn as event
hi => now;
// messages received
while( hi.recv( msg ) )
// mouse motion
if( msg.isMouseMotion() )
if( msg.deltaX )
msg.deltaX +=> mouseX;
if( msg.deltaY )
msg.deltaY +=> mouseY;
// keep values within area of screen
constrain(mouseX, 0, screenWidth) $ int => mouseX;
constrain(mouseY, 0, screenHeight) $ int => mouseY;
<<< "Mouse Position:",mouseX,mouseY>>>;
fun float constrain (float test, float v1, float v2)
Math.min (v1,v2) => float bottom;
Math.max (v1,v2) => float top;
Math.max (test, bottom) => test;
Math.min (test, top) => test;
return test;
// end of mouse-pos.ck
eduard aylon wrote:
Hello list,
is there a way to track y-position of the mouse pointer. It's not in the manual.
I know I can track the x-position with HidMsg.fdata
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