Spencer Salazar wrote:
On Nov 8, 2006, at 10:39 AM, altern wrote:
The only difference between all those shreds is the action the need to perform so i wanted to declare a variable for each and pass it as a reference when sporking the shread.
But this is impossible then.
Au contraire! As Ge mentioned, you can achieve the same result using polymorphic inheritance. Practically, this would mean defining an abstract base class like this:
class OscAction { fun void action() { } }
and then, for each actual action, define a corresponding subclass that "overloads" the action function:
class QuitAction extends OscAction { fun void action() { Machine.crash(); } }
class DoSomethingElseAction extends OscAction { fun void action() { /* do something else */ } }
Define oscshred like this: fun void oscshred( OscEvent e, OscAction a )
call spork ~ oscshred( quit_osc, new QuitAction );
to start up the quit listener and then call a.action() to actually execute the action when you receive the appropriate OSC message.
hope this helps/makes sense.
sure! now i understand. thanks!