Hi, I was trying to recreate a simple fm synth in sc3 and chuck , so i can be able to compare the sounds of both. Is there any sc3 users in this list? i ve made this version of the fm code from chuck web site but it sounds so different. I was wondering maybe i made anything wrong? I was wondering also if doing this in chuck " m.last()" will be the same as "mod " in sc3? thanks. R. here is the code. Chuck: // FM synthesis by hand // carrier SinOsc c => dac; // modulator SinOsc m => blackhole; // carrier frequency 220 => float cf; // modulator frequency 550 => float mf => m.freq; // index of modulation 200 => float index; // time-loop while( true ) { // modulate cf + (index * m.last()) => c.freq; // advance time by 1 samp 1::samp => now; } Supercollider: ( SynthDef("fm1", { arg bus = 0, freq = 440, index = 200, mul = 0.05; var mod; var car; mod = SinOsc.ar( 550, 0, 1 ); car = SinOsc.ar( freq + (index * mod) , 0, mul ); Out.ar(bus,car) }).load(s); ) Synth("fm1");