Here’s the same thing as my original questions, but with some polite windowing - same problems persist: I’m hearing attacks (why?) and it’s pretty noisy - I guess because letting magnitudes creep up across the spectrum I’m just ultimately aiming for a big loud saw wave.
So I guess I’m looking to do two things:
- avoid hearing attacks in the resynthesized sound from my “accumulated magnitudes” spectrum
- artfully avoid the inevitable sawtooth sound by changing my approach to something the follows the spirit of the original idea and not the actual idea.
- jascha
- - - - same thing, a bit better maybe - - - -
SinOsc synth => FFT fft => blackhole;
UAnaBlob blob;
IFFT ifft => dac;
second / samp => float srate;
// set parameters
1024 => fft.size;
Windowing.hamming(fft.size() / 2) => fft.window;
Windowing.hamming(fft.size() / 2) => ifft.window;
// hold the FFT data as it comes in
complex spec[fft.size()/2];
// store the accumulated FFT data
complex acc[fft.size()/2];
// fill the accumulated complex spectral array with zeroes
for(0 => int i; i < acc.cap(); i++) {
#(0, 0) => acc[i];
// spork shreds
spork ~ synthTune();
spork ~ accumulateMagnitudesViaFFT();
while (true) {
1::second => now;
fun void accumulateMagnitudesViaFFT() {
while( true )
fft.upchuck() @=> blob;
// get the data
blob.cvals() @=> spec;
// for every bin...
for(0 => int i; i < spec.cap(); i++) {
// get the mag/phase for each bin by converting to polar
spec[i] $ polar => polar newBin;
// and get our running totals from acc
acc[i] $ polar => polar accBin;
// scale the inocming mag and add it to acc
newBin.mag * 0.001 +=> accBin.mag;
// let phase pass through
newBin.phase => accBin.phase;
// conver back to complex and put back in the acc array
accBin $ complex => acc[i];
(fft.size() / 4)::samp => now;
fun void synthTune() {
while (true) {
Math.random2(48, 72) => int midinote;
Math.mtof(midinote) => synth.freq;
333::ms => now;
On Oct 14, 2017, at 12:26 PM, Jascha Narveson
wrote: Chuck list! Help!
I have the following idea and I’d like to hear what it sounds like:
- play a sound into an FFT - as the FFT runs, for each bin: - - look at the magnitude info - - take a small fraction of this info and store it in a running total - - let the phase pass through unchanged - use the spectral data in the running total for the IFFT
What I was hoping for was a slow emerging smear of all the frequencies from the input sound, kind of like a weird version of some kind of “infinite sustain” reverb.
What I’m getting is the attacks of the original sound coming through, although fading in, and covered with noise.
I think I’m doing something wrong by not doing something with the phase, but I’m not sure what.
I’d love some advice…
- - - - c o d e e x a m p l e - - - -
SinOsc synth => FFT fft => blackhole; UAnaBlob blob; IFFT ifft => dac;
synth.freq(440); synth.gain(0.1);
// set parameters 2048 => fft.size;
// place to hold the FFT data as it comes in complex spec[fft.size()/2];
// place to store the accumulated FFT data, preload with zeroes complex acc[fft.size()/2]; for(0 => int i; i < acc.cap(); i++) { #(0, 0) => acc[i]; }
// do it! spork ~ sawTune(); spork ~ accumulateFrequenciesViaFFT();
while (true) { 1::second => now; }
fun void accumulateFrequenciesViaFFT() { while( true ) { fft.upchuck() @=> blob; // get the data blob.cvals() @=> spec;
// for every bin... for(0 => int i; i < spec.cap(); i++) { // get the mag/phase for each bin by converting to polar spec[i] $ polar => polar newBin;
// and get our running totals from acc acc[i] $ polar => polar accBin;
// scale the inocming mag and add it to acc newBin.mag * 0.001 +=> accBin.mag;
// let phase pass through newBin.phase => accBin.phase; /*Math.random2f(0, TWO_PI) => accBin.phase;*/
// convert back to complex and put back in the acc array accBin $ complex => acc[i]; }
ifft.transform(acc); fft.size()::samp => now; } }
fun void sawTune() { while (true) { Math.random2(48, 72) => int midinote; Math.mtof(midinote) => synth.freq; 333::ms => now; } }
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