thanks for the reply..
the osc function addString ... thinking about that now i have no idea why i didn't just try that.. :-/
sometimes i wonder how stupid one (me) can be :-)
>> another question is about System Information from within chuck..
>> are there functions
>> that for example return information about all available midi ports
>> - as a list, an array or
>> something similar? (like the VM option --probe)
Hi Tazumi,
On Dec 8, 2006, at 7:42 AM, tazumi wrote:
> Hi List,
> hello to everybody.. i am new to this list..
> i have got a question about sending strings with the osc class..
> ist this possible?
> The manual says that the osc object has 2 member functions
> (addInt / addFloat)..
> so is there a way to send (or revieve) other data types?
It seems the manual is out of date in this regard, it is in fact
possible to send strings in ChucK's OSC implementation. Just use an
"s" for the type specifier and addString to supply the string.
getString will retrieve the string on the listener end.
> another question is about System Information from within chuck..
> are there functions
> that for example return information about all available midi ports
> - as a list, an array or
> something similar? (like the VM option --probe)
Not currently, no, although something like that would be good to have.
> Currently i am working on a kind of chuck user interface.. i want
> the UI and chuck to
> communicate over OSC - so a way to get Information about the
> current Environment
> (from within chuck and send them to the UI) would really be great...
I think one hack-y option would be to parse the output of chuck --
probe directly in your UI. But ultimately it would be nice to be
able to access that information in ChucK directly.
> thanks
> -- tazumi
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