have just started coding on chuck was looking for way to let s1 have 3 overtones flying around him i know it should be something other than rand2f to handle integers but my q is about ::ms in while i wonder which one of these are the right way to use them i thought the latter might be safe but it seems to give one never changing long note and maybe only one another is floating around but none of them give me an error style one: SinOsc s1 => PRCRev g => dac; SinOsc s2 => g; SinOsc s3 => g; SinOsc s4 => g; .25 => g.gain => g.mix; while( true ) { 500::ms => now; Std.rand2f(30.0, 220.0) => s1.freq; 170::ms => now; s1.freq() * Std.rand2f(8.0, 16.0) / 8.0 => s2.freq; 75::ms => now; s2.freq() * Std.rand2f(16.0, 32.0) / 16.0 => s3.freq; 111::ms => now; s2.freq() * Std.rand2f(16.0, 32.0) / 16.0 => s4.freq; } style two: SinOsc s1 => PRCRev g => dac; SinOsc s2 => g; SinOsc s3 => g; SinOsc s4 => g; .25 => g.gain => g.mix; while( true ) { 200::ms => now; Std.rand2f(30.0, 220.0) => s1.freq; } while( true ) { 170::ms => now; s1.freq() * Std.rand2f(8, 16) / 4.0 => s2.freq; } while( true ) { 75::ms => now; s2.freq() * Std.rand2f(16, 32) / 8.0 => s3.freq; } while( true ) { 111::ms => now; s2.freq() * Std.rand2f(16, 32) / 8.0 => s4.freq; } -- 2g http://micro.ispretty.com