Hello again, I forgot to say something:
Even though I have all the Chugins on my computer, and have set the right
path in preferences in MiniAudicle (and of course enabled ChuGins), they
aren't recognised,
so if I try to write for instance GVerb gv => dac the GVerb don't get the
red color it should have. An exeption here is actually Mesh2D that is
recognized, but as Perry said the usual members aren't available (but nx
and ny are).
Best regards,
2015-11-27 21:43 GMT+01:00 Tommy Alfred Dahlen
Hello folks,
As a follow up to Perrys post I also want to say that Chugings don't really work on Windows. I've tried with various versions of Chuck and on different computers, I've also tried to build it myself, but never got them to work. I managed to build them and generate the CHUG files, using Visual Studio 2015. I hope some of you good people could look into this, as I'm pretty sure that there are more Windows users out there who would like to use the extra features of Chugins. Might this be a problem related to 32bit Chuck running on 64 bit computers?
2015-11-27 20:25 GMT+01:00 Perry Cook
: Calling all Windows Hax@rs. I have discovered (thanks to someone in the online Physics-Based DSP course) that the Mesh2D chugin that’s distributed with the Windows installer is different from that shipped for Mac. (Haven’t checked Linux yet).
Unacceptable behaviors include
myMesh.x and myMesh.y aren’t recognized.
Fix (maybe): myMesh.nx and myMesh.ny seem to be implemented instead.
but the worst bug is that
myMesh.noteOn won’t accept any arguments, and won’t make sound without them.
Has anyone encountered this? (I think I recall some traffic on this list about it a while ago). And has anyone fixed it? And can they hook us up with a compiled executable Mesh2D.chug that we can distribute to people who need it?
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