One of the primary author's of ChUcK, Perry Cook hisself, has several terrific books out. You might want to check:
"Real Sound Synthesis for Interactive Applications"
for a good intro into the theory behind sound synthesis and DSP. It includes a CD-ROM with the STK on it, the basis for a lot of CHuck dsp stuff.
My old 'recommend this' standby is by Charles Dodge and Thomas Jerse:
"Computer Music: Synthesis, Composition, and Performance"
although it is indeed old now. I think they updated it not too long ago, but it does talk a lot about ugen theory, etc.
The Big Giant Book That is Really Big and Giant That Covers Everything and it is Really Big and Giant is a collection put out by Curtis Roads (former and long-time editor of the Computer Music Journal):
"Computer Music Tutorial"
I also know that Eduardo Reck Miranda has a new synth-techniques book out, don't know anything about it though.
There was a terrific 'on-line' book/tutorial that Larry Polansky, Douglas Repetto and Mary Lee Roberts developed, but I'm not sure what happened with it. You might try contacting douglas (douglas - at - music ddot columbia dot edu) to see what happened to it. It had some wonderful interactive tutorials.
You might also want to scan the music-dsp reviews to see if any of those appeal to you:
Finally, for a really fun read that introduces a lot of music-cognition work (if you are interested, this is not a 'techie' book at all), Dan Levitin has a great one:
"This Is Your Brain on Music"
Hope this helps...
Well ... yeah ... they're all good, and of course I have all of them. But I also don't think a working computer musician can live without Dr. Richard Boulanger's "The CSound Book". Which reminds me ... I need to update my web page ( to add some pointers to ChucK!