Hi, Kiran:


Thanks for your reply.


I wasn’t able to get what you suggested going, but I did stumble across something that does work for me.


Machine.add("/Program Files/ChucK/libs/lick-master/BinaryFunction.ck");


It works on both my 32 bit and 64 bit machines:

Machine.add("/program files (x86)/chuck/libs/lick-master/BinaryFunction.ck");


Thanks again for taking the time to reply,





From: Kiran O.V. [mailto:kiranov1986@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 10:16 PM
To: ChucK Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: [chuck-users] Trouble with Machine.add() and paths on Windows; listing loaded shreds


Hi Gregorio


I think the correct way to put absolute paths in windows is using the linux-style delimiter, '/' (forward-slash) - at least it works for me ;-)


So, in case of your example, the following should work.


Machine.add("C:/Program Files (x86)/ChucK/libs/lib-master/BinaryFunction.ck");





On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 11:42 PM, Gregorio Gomez <gogogo@unm.edu> wrote:

Hi, everybody:

I'm new here. I'm really intrigued with ChucK and I'm looking forward to working with it.

I am having one problem. I've taken a look at the list archives, and the forum, but the fixes I've seen there haven't worked for me. If there's something there that I overlooked, I apologize. Please feel free to point me in the right direction.

Basically, I'm having some trouble including the LiCK library, but my questions are more about Machine's add() method.

Here's an example of what's not working:
Machine.add("c:\\Program Files (x86)\\ChucK\\libs\\lib-master\\BinaryFunction.ck");

And the errors:
[chuck]: unrecognized escape sequence: \P
[chuck]: malformed filename with argument list...

My questions:
When Machine.add's argument is a relative path like this:
or this:

what's the path relative to?

What's the correct way to use absolute paths in Windows?

What's the correct delimiter for paths in Windows?

Is it possible to get Machine to list loaded shreds?

I'm running:
Windows 7
miniAudicle 1.3.0


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