Another, much lager, matter is that it seems that some people expect that it's a good idea to start ChucKing by reading the manual front to cover. Now
Here's a pie-in-the-sky idea... (mm... pie....) Probably the single thing I actually _like_ about MS VC++ is the context-sensitive help (hit F1 on a function name to get a definition) and the auto-completion. I know not everyone likes it, but for a language intended for live use, being able to get all possible matching function names and then quickly jump to a short description I think would be very useful. At the moment I usually leave the Chuck website up in another desktop workspace while I'm chucking, and flip to it and do a manual search, but I think context-sensitive help would be way, way faster. (Speed in accessing useful information is key here..) Something like that in miniAudicle would be fantastic. (Then again, I usually use Emacs, but if I had a reason to switch I might consider it...) Steve