Oh my gosh, I am reading that book now! You did an amazing job, and I am learning tons, thank you so much :)

I am only 15, and new to programming, my only prior experience being with ChucK and with Pure Data, and I love the amount of detail you put in the python book! It would be awesome if you made something similar for ChucK, because, as of late, I have been learning through the manual alone, which is a bit advanced, and lacks any interesting examples for large portions :\

Take it from a fan, PLEASE do this! Keep us updated! :D


On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 4:23 PM, Zed A. Shaw <zedshaw@zedshaw.com> wrote:
Hi folks, long time lurker, infrequent poster.

I've recently finished a book for Python and I'd like to do a similar
one for ChucK.  The Python book is "Learn Python The Hard Way" and it's
written similar to a guitar method book:


What I'd like to do next is a "ChucK Method Book" in a similar style,
but actually make it more like a real method book for an instrument
where the student is learning to "play chuck" like they would an

If I were to do this, what do you think it should include?  Do you think
it's a good idea?  Have you tried teaching ChucK?


Zed A. Shaw
chuck-users mailing list