Hi Henrique,

I have the same problem with miniaudicle.

So I wrote the script attached using Keyboard management and Machine.Add() / Machine.remove() functions.
This way I can use my favorite Text editor and have the replace function of miniaudicle in the same time.
Then when I save my file it is automatically reloaded in the VM.

just call: chuck save_replace.ck:your_script.ck

Of course it is a simple example, but you can create a lot of functionality with these kind of tool.


2012/4/20 henrique matias <hems.inlet@gmail.com>
Is there a way of "sending chuck code" to miniAudicle, therefore being
able to use the GUI system ?

I really like miniAudicle but i miss many "text-editor" features, like
un/tabbing block of code, fast lauching / browsing files, etcs..

thanks chuckers!
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