On 31 December 2010 17:00, Tom Aizenberg
Hi all,
Is it possible to select which driver for the soundcard I want to use? Like in Reason or Logic you can select the ASIO driver and change the buffersize...
Yes, using the "--dac[n]" option, where your choices will be listed after using " chuck --probe". If you want ASIO (and if on Windows you likely will) this will be of interest; http://electro-music.com/forum/topic-18931.html&postorder=asc The second page of that topic has the latest, which is a bit out of date. Ok, it's badly out of date, being from 2008. Just for the record; the "ASIO patch" has been tested and can probably be assumed to be safe by now. The "new" RTAudio version should fix the issues there, as well as a whole series of questions about the various way of addressing audio under Linux. Kas.