Fellow ChucKists,

With the return of "double chucking" (making more then one connection between two UGens or a UGen and the dac) something seems to have gone wrong;

SinOsc s=> dac;
second=> now;
s=> dac;
second=> now;

If this is run in a VM set to loop or a MiniAudicle with it's version of ChucK replaced with the latest greatest only a single connection will be cleaned up as the shred exits, meaning "s" will stay connected to the dac and as "s" is never garbage collected this means a beep. This also means there is no way at all to get rid of this beep (short of stopping the whole VM) as there is no way at all to reach the namespace "s" is/was in.

I'm adding this to the WiKi as a bug.
