when i try to add any shred it tells me ugen's of type DAC have no input-cannot => from another ugen. And also when i start virtual machine it tells me everytime that there is a shred hanging and gives me option to cancel or abort.  I tried this on my roomates computer and didnt tell me that a shred is hanging so must be something on my computer that is doing it.  Let me know if u can help me with any of these problems.

From: Kassen <signal.automatique@gmail.com>
To: ChucK Users Mailing List <chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu>
Sent: Sat, January 29, 2011 3:31:50 PM
Subject: Re: [chuck-users] (no subject)

Hi, Bryan!

2011/1/29 bryan Eidel <bryan_eidel@att.net>
having some issues with mini audicle want to know why when i run virtual machine it says shred hanging and dont know why have deleted re downloaded and it  wont let me add a shred to virtual machine can anyone help me

Yes, we can probably help you.

A few things are still unclear to me. Either can you send a shred to the VM and it gets stuck after that or you can't send a shred at all. I'd like to know which one it is. Maybe both happened? If you don't mind me saying so; your mail is a bit hard to read and if at all possible I'd like to ask you to please use some punctuation because that will make it a lot easier to understand your problem. No need for formal letters, just make things a bit clear.

One factor is the exact contents of the file you'd like to use. Can you tell me what happens if you try to run this?;

SinOsc s => dac;
second => now;

That should give you a beep that lasts one second. If not I'd like to know what error you get.

Another thing to consider is that ChucK code should run on Linux, OSX and Windows in the same way but as soon as things stop working the OS that you use can matter. If you use Linux I'd also like to know whether you use Jack, Alsa or OSS. Please tell us about that and the exact errors (if any) that you get. It would also help to share what code you were trying to run
