So, I have to do all my MIDI in hex so I can set a low nibble for
channel?! blech.
You're right; Bruce Murphy has done all the work for me and
midisender.ck is what I want. Happily, it's well documented: I'll be
using some Chuck code in a performance tonight.
On 8/10/07, Kassen
On 8/10/07, mike clemow
wrote: Hello,
Is it possible to specify a MIDI channel to send information on? I can't find any information on channels in the manual.
Yes it is... the channel is set in the first byte (or ".data1" from a chuckian perspective).
Your main options are;
looking at the MIDI specs ( http://www.borg.com/~jglatt/tech/midispec.htm )and then doing it by hand.
Or enjoying how Bruce Murphy already did most of the work for you in his "library" that deals with ChucKian MIDI http://www.rattus.net/~packrat/audio/ChucK/
Yours, Kas.
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