Hi list, I am working with the miniAudicle and I must say I am very pleased and impressed with the editor and the "On the fly" possibilities thus far. Working through the Chuck manual it is quite easy to start programming and I already got some interesting sounding patches (especially using the possibilities of multiple shreds). I could not find a way though to work with buffers and looping as in Max/MSP or Super Collider (without writing audio to disk first). Is this to be implemented in the future or is there a way to do this already? Audicle and miniAudicle are installed and worked fine (except for loading soundfiles). If I want to use the chuck commandline in the terminal (MacOs 10.3.9) I get this message when trying to start the virtual machine with chuck --loop: cannot bind to tcp port 8888... I think chuck must be installed properly because the command chuck --help gives me this message: usage: chuck --[options|commands] [+-=^] file1 file2 file3 ... [options] = halt|loop|audio|silent|dump|nodump|about| srate<N>|bufsize<N>|bufnum<N>|dac<N>|adc<N>| remote<hostname>|port<N>|verbose<N>|probe| channels<N>|shell|empty|blocking|callback [commands] = add|remove|replace|status|time|kill [+-=^] = shortcuts for add, remove, replace, status chuck version: (dracula) http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/ Is there anybody who can explain this? Best, Hans.