Hey folks, The ChucK show was a big success this week. None of the technical problems of last week, and I was properly caffeinated prior to the show, lol, so I was nervous but did well. The microphone on the eMac is much better than the one on the Acer netbook (though I lub my wittle netbook), and playing recorded ChucK was WAY easier than doing live ChucK with Reaper and a cable between two computers, dang. Although Blue_Hell lost his recording and I didn't record, there will be plenty more shows to enjoy. We had 9 listeners at one point, and I even did a "featured ChucKist" of Kassen this week... Please send in your ChucK programs or recordings, we need them for the show. I will announce some historical info about each song if I can, so just fill me in. email ChucK Show content to me: inventor-66@comcast.net. Don't make me search out the web for ChucK music, lol, because you know I will if I have to! :) :D Thanks, Les (Inventor)