On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 6:19 PM, Martin Ahnelöv
ons 2008-03-12 klockan 18:12 +0100 skrev Mr.SpOOn:
I compiled ChucK again, this time with make linux-alsa, because I was getting an error when I tried using Jack.
This is most likely because you do not have the development package. you need to install jackd-dev in ubuntu/debian, or the package appropriate for your dist.
I can't find that package, but I already have installed libjack-dev
Try looking at your system's samplereate contra chuck's. These should be the same.
How shall I look these values?
If that doesn't help, use chuck --probe to see what info chuck gets about your soundcard.
I get this: [chuck]: found 5 device(s) ... [chuck]: ------( chuck -- dac1 )--------------- [chuck]: device name = "hw:I82801DBICH4,0" [chuck]: probe [success] ... [chuck]: # output channels = 0 [chuck]: # input channels = 2 [chuck]: # duplex Channels = 0 [chuck]: default device = YES [chuck]: natively supported data formats: [chuck]: 16-bit int [chuck]: supported sample rates: ... ...