people might disagree with me, but i don't think most of what you said will help you. for example, the csound book would help on all the above areas in depth, but i don't think you chuck music would be better. i think roads computer music tutorial is the only thing anyone needs to start in computer music. it's a great book. also, chuck is not really the most musical tool in it's current incarnation. it's a lot like csound or supercollider. it;s more for experimental synthesis, understanding sound, etc. if you are just trying to make good new electronic music of any genre, ableton is the simplest path from brain to speaker, whether glitch, electro, classical, indie pop, trance, you name it. the stars of music either use cubase/ableton/protools, or hardware. mostly hardware. for example, everyone says autechre uses maxmsp, but they don't on envane and the previous album, they use max to control their hardware, and the max interface was self-designed. albeton now does the same thing right out of the box. chuck for me is like supercollider, to make experimental sounds, learn about sound synthesis and algorithmic music. all these topics are covered beautifully in roads' book. to just make a good tune, grab a damn guitar. you don't chuck sine oscillators to dacs and then construct an lpf out of biquads to make music easily ;) all that would be like two clicks in fl studio or ableton, and sound the damn same. you do this to hold sound in your hands and learn. probably going to get flamed for this pov, but that's my 2c.
From: Vassili Slessarenko
Date: 2006/09/12 Tue AM 07:48:42 EDT To: ChucK Users Mailing List Subject: [chuck-users] Reading materials. Hey you all,
Just a question I have meant to ask for a long time. I'm looking for good literature (be it e-book or paperback) on Audio DSP, Algorithmic Composition, and perhaps Object Oriented programming. Not being a CS student I am just trying to get into the whole world of Chuck/PD/Reaktor, I do have basic programming skills, but largely feel they are not enough, especially without the understanding of how audio signals work.
I have found one book very useful. It is by Miller Puckette - "Theory and Techniques of Electronic Music". It is quite heavy reading though and not much is sinking in I find....
I am particularly interested in how-to use programming techniques to transform algorithms into sound and a reference on what are the basic building blocks of common audio effects or how to create them. For example right now I am trying to replicate a hardware delay I own into a software model so that I can extend the delay time beyond that of the hardware one (for some crazy looping fun), but also I want to set up all sorts of EQ filters on both input and output of the signal and can't quite get my head around doing it in Reaktor even.
So this question is mostly for Perry and Ge I guess as they are teaching chuck and such to uni students, but I welcome any responses :)
Could someone just give me a list of essential readings (and maybe some of the extended, just in case I want to see things in more detail) to be able to work with ChucK/PD/Reaktor?
Thanks a lot in advance,
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