Spencer Salazar: Im not sure that I've encountered this particular problem before. That's what you have testers for then! :-) It
might be an oddity in the code that handles this particular command, as wxWidgets doesn't natively support '+' as an accelerator key. Its supposed to always be '+'. Ill take a look, but my basic tests thus far have not turned up any unexpected behavior.
This was using a test file that entered the VM, did something, then exited so something to the tune of; SinOsc s => dac; second => now; As you might imagine; code like that never gets replaced and never gets removed manually, it only gets added. It was in a situation like that that I encountered this behaviour. I'm almost positive the culprit will be in a diference between what the "add" button does and how the "alt + +" shortcut works. Hope that helps, I'll keep a eye out for this. Kas.