On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 11:13:24PM +0100, Stefan Blixt wrote:
@Kassen: I know that every once in a while I come across a linux system where localhost isn't set up in /etc/hosts. I don't know the circumstances when you don't want it there, but it could be that packages set up the hosts file as needed, and Romain just hasn't installed a package that needed the localhost name.
Thanks. I didn't know that, I thought that file was simply supposed to always be there and have at least this one line.
Unix hackers probably think it's just an unnecessary hassle: "why write localhost when I can write" ;)
Sure, Unix Hackers take that in their stride... Last weekend I was recompiling my (Linux) Window Manager after I had found and fixed a inconsistency at 4am, and yet I'm still no "Unix Hacker", they are a sort of mythical creature always a few steps beyond us, like "next week" is, as a concept :-). For the rest of us "localhost" is either clear where the IP isn't or at least one less mental step. I am personally in favour of naming everything that can be named, then using the name over the number, though that is admittedly a matter of style and what puts a strain on my brain others might find very easy. Anyway; solved, though this means there are examples that might not work on stock Ubuntu which is arguably a bad thing, even though it could be argued this is a Ubuntu issue, not a ChucK one. Yours, Kas.