//are the Stk working? StkInstrument inst[21]; Clarinet clari @=> inst[0] => dac; Moog moog @=> inst[1] => dac; ModalBar modal @=> inst[2] => dac; modal.preset(1); BandedWG banded @=> inst[3] => dac; BlowBotl blow @=> inst[4] => dac; BlowHole blowH @=> inst[5] => dac; Brass brass @=> inst[6] => dac; Flute flute @=> inst[7] => dac; Mandolin mand @=> inst[8] => dac; Saxofony sax @=> inst[9] => dac; Shakers shake @=> inst[10] => dac; Sitar sitar @=> inst[11] => dac; StifKarp karp @=> inst[12] => dac; VoicForm vox @=> inst[13] => dac; //fm BeeThree bee @=> inst[14] => dac; HevyMetl hevy @=> inst[15] => dac; FMVoices fm @=> inst[16] => dac; PercFlut pflute @=> inst[17] => dac; Rhodey rhodes @=> inst[18] => dac; TubeBell tube @=> inst[19] => dac; Wurley wurl @=> inst[20] => dac; [0,2,4,5,7,9,11,12] @=> int maj[]; //don't work for me in //0: Clarinet //2: ModalBar //5: BlowHole //9: Saxofony //13: VoicForm //inexplicably, when I run this on, it starts skipping //frames at instrument 10, but runs without skips on //send a noteOff to all instruments //this should really be unnecessary for (0=>int i; iint i; ; i++) { i%inst.cap() => int whichInst; <<<"instrument: ",whichInst>>>; for (0=>int j; j<5; j++) { maj[j]+60 => std.mtof => inst[whichInst].freq; inst[whichInst].noteOn( 0.6 ); 300::ms => now; inst[whichInst].noteOff( 0.5 ); 10::ms => now; } 10::ms => now; }