Adam; There is a space reserved for us at flossmanuals.net/bin/chuck
Yay! much better.
I am pulling the manual apart tonight so that it will be ready to hack through tomorrow. I plan to be online from 9-5 MST.
For tomorrow please sign up for an account. We can start by using the mailing list to get coordinated with our user names and then transition to the chat function in Flossmanuals.
I signed up. It told me my user name is "KassenOud", also subscribed to the mailing list for this project.
This is going to be fun.
I think so.
I think we should look at how easy it is to collaborate and maybe work towards improving the documentation in the UGEN section and compile a list of other issues and see how many of them we can solve quickly.
things I got questions about; *MIDI out (the same as in, really, but it seems to confuse people). *Static members of public classes as a way to share data and signals across the whole VM *me.yield() (this likely requires a discussion on the shreduler in some depth, there is one in Ge's phd paper. I hope that stuff will be open for re-use but right now it doesn't have a free/open licence). *casting (should include a discussion on how to be safe about this). Modest proposal; *ending the manual with a note on how to report bugs. We have lots of those yet I suspect too many people blame themselves for crashes (hint; if it crashes the VM the VM is wrong). Thanks for all the help!
Thanks for "taking point" Kas.