Hi Gasten!
Hi! I was investigating what I could use the spork-keyword for when I stumbled on this problem in the examples: The example fm3.ck is pretty wrong. It says that fm-synthesis is at sync 0 on SinOsc's, but that isn't true. sync 0 is sync frequency. fm2.ck does it right however.
Ah, yes - actually we are both right. fm2.ck, which is an example of classic FM synthesis (sync == 2), is actually not modulating frequency directly, but the instantaneous phase (which in turn modulates frequency, but in a different manner). fm3.ck and correspondingly 0=>sync, demonstrates the result of modulating the frequency directly. I've added a bit more explanation in the examples to help clarify. In case anyone is wondering, here is a great explanation of FM synthesis by Julius Smith: http://ccrma.stanford.edu/~jos/mdft/ Sinusoidal_Frequency_Modulation_FM.html
Anyways, this is the result of my tries: http://hauntedhouse.wordpress.com/2007/08/18/ambientic-monotonic- pieceus/
Sounds totally sweet! If you'd like, you should share this on the wiki! http://wiki.cs.princeton.edu/index.php/ChucK/Sounds http://wiki.cs.princeton.edu/index.php/ChucK/Programs Thanks for the post! Best, Ge!