Hello Andrew. I've just been working on a similar project that sends OSC from Processing. You can send and receive multiple values with each message. Unfortunately, this doesn't work as midiEvent and oscEvent do not have boolean values: midiEvent || oscEvent => now; // wait for whichever comes first This is how I resolved it: // -------------------------------------------- OscRecv orec; 6449 => orec.port; orec.listen(); orec.event("/foo, i f f f") @=> OscEvent fooData; orec.event("/bar, i f f f") @=> OscEvent barData; while(true) { if (fooData.nextMsg() != 0) { fooData.getInt() => int w; fooData.getFloat() => float p; fooData.getFloat() => float f; fooData.getFloat() => float a; spork ~ foo(w,p,f,a); } if (barData.nextMsg() != 0) { barData.getInt() = int w; barData.getFloat() => float p; barData.getFloat() => float f; barData.getFloat() => float a; spork ~ bar(w,p,f,a); } 5::ms => now; } // --------------END----------------------