ChucK Researchers, Hope this isn't too late. I'm a huge fan of chuck, because: a) it's pretty deeply cross-platform (sc is ultra-cool, but harder to use without owning a Mac) b) it's hackable c) the language is both simple and whimsical d) instrument presets! (STK) Mostly I use the Audicle, with command-line chuck a few times (sometimes in conjunction with chuck.el). It's fun and quick for adding and removing layers to music. Once I figured out how to do recordings in Audicle, I don't need to use the other as much. As a programmer and frustrated musician, I feel as if it allows me to express musical ideas in ways that are perhaps unexpressible in other music domains. And I like that. It works for simple improvisation, or making something more deliberate. If the platform remains stable for a few years I hope to develop at least a nice familiarity with it, like the kind that instrumentalists develop with their instruments. At some point, I'd like to swap livecoding wisdom and ideas with you dudes from the NJ camp. I find it hard to articulate these kinds of strategy without falling back on pure musical convention. sketchiness: Also, I find that the chuck-Audicle revision model seems to fulfill a searched-out quantity I prize in creative tools: for lack of a better term I'll call it sketchiness (besides the poor collision with the term meaning low quality or suspect). That is, some of my friends growing up tend to draw, you know whenever. Start a sketch, doodle in class, pick up something, refine it, etc. Anyway, these folks end up getting really good, less out of diligent patience than iterated and distracted practice. * For a while I've been looking for sketchy musical tools. For a process to be sketchy, or like sketching, it should: - be immediate, quick to engage or start up in - be incremental, easy to save and resume working on For me, carrying a chuck shred through many revisions in audicle and layering them is sketchy. In addition, I frequently save some layers and come back to them, adding parts later. creative projects: I'm trying to compose an album of polished chuck sketches. Here are some studies in pursuit of this goal: http://cola-fan.livejournal.com/95649.html (newer) http://cola-fan.livejournal.com/94685.html (already posted here) Also, chuck has slipped into my more directly pop music aspirations (a bossa-nova-ish demo from an upcoming album of my band, the Men of Science **). http://ravelite.org/music/dsmooth/another%20time.mp3 To foray into teaching, I gave a presentation at dorkbot. Perhaps someday I'll break out of the cheesy-pop paradigm that I use for my improvisations, but I made a tutorial to http://ravelite.org/chuck-notes/tutorial.html Music generators are almost as old as music itself, (an excellent article in Roads' Computer Music Tutorial) but I think it would be fun to make one in chuck. If WolframTones is still in vogue... the technical: the chuck emacs mode: http://ravelite.org/code/chuck/chuck-mode.el I made a few additions, but it could use a few more. Right now, you can start chuck processes (win32) but getting feedback from the exec is rough. I had planned to ask the emacs community, but haven't gotten to it. the trivial language hack: http://ravelite.org/code/chuck/instanceof5.patch Mostly I wanted to see how things worked on the inside of ChucK. I'd like to do more of this yet. (Is there a list of open tasks somewhere?) The far off: chuck library interface: For a while, I thought it would be cool to have some sort of library interface to chuck, so mainstream applications and games programmers could compile it into projects and make novel music interfaces quickly. Design issues abound - how shall it be controlled? However, Ollie's awesome drum machine may demonstrate that this is not necessary. Having a musical kernel controlled by OSC and separately executed seems like a simple and natural solution available in most platforms. silly: (functional language frontend for ChucK) http://atlhack.org/images/sonicboomchuck.png Finally, there are silly vanity projects: http://www.flickr.com/photos/73155597@N00/120589645/ (the egg) http://www.flickr.com/photos/73155597@N00/163444838/ (the shirt) Graham *This reminds me of a passage from Walter Benjamin The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, which is about fascism and film, and not chuck http://bid.berkeley.edu/bidclass/readings/benjamin.html "The distracted person, too, can form habits. More, the ability to master certain tasks in a state of distraction proves that their solution has become a matter of habit. Distraction as provided by art presents a covert control of the extent to which new tasks have become soluble by apperception. Since, moreover, individuals are tempted to avoid such tasks, art will tackle the most difficult and most important ones where it is able to mobilize the masses." ** http://ravelite.org/menofscience/ On Mon, 22 May 2006, Ge Wang wrote:
Dear all,
We would like to conduct a N-part user study (where N >= 1) on using ChucK. To start, we are interested in learning about how everyone is using ChucK, the ways (if any) ChucK has effected the way you write/think about audio programming, and/or your thoughts on ChucK. A dissertation is being written (mine), and we want to include evaluations/feedback from the primary ChucK community (this list). Also, we hope to construct a page to showcase works being done using ChucK. So fire away! Thank you all very much!!!
(slightly) more detail here:
Best, chuck team
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users