is this a popularity contest?
No, not at all. I was just getting the impression that online compilation was a sub-set of all such tweets. I suppose I was mainly talking about myself; I always find it hard to judge my own work so I tend to trust on what others think is nice.
this is a great idea, and since i'm not actually doing anything to make it happen [other than this note], i don't get much say. but what's wrong with just opening the door for people to contribute [regardless of a curator's opinion]? if someone wants to pull a sub grouping of submissions that appeal to one group or another- who cares? but i'd like to suggest that the door is open to all contributors, say within a certain time frame.
You are right. This is my fault for not writing clear enough. I anticipated that some people would send in -say- 10 variations on a theme. This happened with the 80 character game (with great results!). If we are presenting this to the outside world with a flash player like in the link I'd say it would make sense to pick the 1 or 2 best ones out of a set like that. That process would be a bit like a popularity contest and in that case I see no harm in this. I'm absolutely not advocating excluding anyone, I'd just prefer -say- 25 tracks by 20 artists over 60 tracks by 20 artists with some people over-represented. IMHO everyone who send in a piece should have a spot. I also think that if you make 50 pieces in a especially inspired night you should definitely share all of those but I'm not so sure it'd be a good idea to feature all 50 in a compilation of various artists.
i have worked on the microsound list with the projects there, and the 'open door' policy has been pretty successful. [better karma too ...]
Absolutely. Sorry about representing my thoughts so unclearly; I hope we are on the same page now? Yours, Kas.