Hi Plutek!
my question is whether anybody has an elegant way of attacking the problem of zipper noise when using external MIDI controllers which send only integer values. it's great that ChucK uses float MIDI values, but we need a way of smoothing incoming controller data -- perhaps something like pd's "line" operator.
There are several ways of addressing this. In addition to the Kassen's suggestion, one can also write a simple interpolator shred that 1) shares the variable of interest 2) operates at a zipper-friendly rate (perhaps less than 10::ms to 1::ms, depending on the sound). This way works well (I've seen it used in several case, and have used it myself), and can be much less CPU intensive. Given this works, it's conceivable that we can write a class to encapsulate this functionality. I am a bit swamped with PLOrk at the moment (we just had a concert Tuesday in Princeton, and there will be one Saturday at Dartmouth). If needed, I can post some code (and chime in on benchmarking chuck thread) after this weekend. Happy ChucKing! Ge!