Hi Herman,
You can use Events/MIDI/HID to advance in time.Have a look at this chapter if you want to know more about it https://en.flossmanuals.net/chuck/_full/#eventsIn a nutshell what happens is that a MIDI event is received and that turns into a trigger, so your program advances in time. Otherwise it stays there until a MIDI even happens.See it more as a trigger than a time constant if that makes sense.
On Tue, 11 Feb 2020 at 10:59, herman verbaeten <hverb54@hotmail.com> wrote:
I'm trying to understand what's really happening in chuck.I thought i did untill i saw some exemples of midi.
Normaly you can only feed time or duration into now ( e.g. 10::ms => now)But in case you are awaiting a midi-in message you write :
MidiIn min;while (true){min => now}
So in fact do you assign the message to time? Total confusion!Thanks for your answer.
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