Since an important usage mode for chuck is analogous to a server for multiple performers, I'd like to suggest that the file open semantics be extended. When a chuck script is submitted from a performers host to a remotely running chuck server, that script may open files, which must reside on the server file system, not the submitters host. This means that wave files, or other data must be first copied into the server, or otherwise exported. By simply extending the semantics for Chuck's "open" from expecting a file name, I suggest that it be a URL instead. If the filename starts with http:// or ftp:// or other legal prefix, give the URL to a curl library for access. For this to work, the performer's system need only have an httpd or ftpd or ssh deamon running locally to give the remote chuck access to those needed files. As a side effect, the files need only be present "somewhere" out there in cluster land. The URL will rule. Jim Hinds