Hey everybody, After noticing my test SndBuf programs were eating more memory than I expected I started looking around on the list and wiki but couldn't find any relevant discussions. Here's how it goes: airj:~ josh$ chuck --version chuck version: (dracula) exe target: mac os x : universal binary http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/ airj:~ josh$ cat tmp/buf.ck SndBuf b; "tmp/bigfile.wav" => b.read; while (1::second => now); airj:~ josh$ du -sk tmp/bigfile.wav 769308 tmp/bigfile.wav airj:~ josh$ chuck --loop & [1] 20706 airj:~ josh$ ps -orss= 20706 4484 airj:~ josh$ chuck + tmp/buf.ck airj:~ josh$ [chuck](VM): sporking incoming shred: 1 (buf.ck)... airj:~ josh$ ps -orss= 20706 1531692 airj:~ josh$ Looks like ChucK/SndBuf's resident size is growing a little under 2x the size of the file I'm trying to buffer. Any ideas? Cheers, -josh