Hi Stephi,

I think this should be fine if I understand correctly. 

ChucK can work with multiple Arduinos- you just specify the number of the one you want in the open() function. With illumaphone, the sound is generated entirely on the computer by ChucK, so merging the sound is as easy as running two copies of the ChucK code with the different Arduinos. 

Im not sure exactly how Magic Music Visuals works but ChucK generally plays well if other sound-based programs are active so I wouldnt expect problems with that. 


On Mon, May 30, 2016 at 9:16 AM, Stephi LaReine <stephilareine1@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi guys,
As a newbie I desperately need some accurate advice on a project I have set up. I am currently using an idea I found on the Instructables forum called Illumaphone by Bonniee. 

I wish to use two 'illumaphones' individually controlled by two arduinos so I can vary sounds. I am also using Magic Music Visuals and OBS which is linked to a microphone to allow speech to be converted into text in real time. 

The idea is that the illumaphones outputs will be sent from the main line output of a macbook but I don't need the speech to make a sound just to trigger words. I am concerned that I won't be able to merge the arduinos sonic output together and whether I will be able to run Magic Music Visuals at the same time. I am using a usb microphone. 

I am also looking for ways to change the waveforms envelopes and filters in the code and I would be very grateful for any assistance in this so it doesn't muck up the code

Many thanks, hope you can help :)


Stephi LaReine // Fashion & Lifestyle Blogger
 Instagram: @StephiLaReine // Bloglovin

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Spencer Salazar
Doctoral Candidate
Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics
Stanford University

+1 831.277.4654