16 Mar
16 Mar
5:05 a.m.
On 03/15/2015 03:43 PM, Robert Poor wrote:
I find it highly in-elegant that the sporkee must care about stuff like this
For now I took the least painful route: adding a generic function call at exit points of self terminating shreds, telling the sporker to remove them: Beat b => Mixer.mixer[7]; b.read("samples/plastic_jam.wav"); b.tempo_match(Time.beat(4)); 0 => b.pos; 1200::ms => now; Sporker.remove(); It work because the sporker sends full path to the file as first arg and Sporker.remove is defined like this: public static int remove(){ remove(me.arg(0)); } I'm hoping the buggy Shred.fromId vs running Ugens will be fixed soonish so I don't have to work around it in my code... Cheers -- Atte http://atte.dk http://a773.dk