On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 9:27 AM, Scott Hewitt
Hope this is appropriate here. After dipping in and out of Chuck for the last couple of years I have decided to dive in so have been doing my own ChucK a day thing you can see it at www.ablelemon.co.uk/chuckaday.
If any one has any suggestions as to things to try please let me know.
As part of the processes I have been building a chuck php syntax highlighter. At the moment it is a bit of a mess but am working to clean it up for release.
happy ChucKer
I think this is great and just like you Scott I've played a bit with ChucK but never made much headway. I think I'll try to make a point of checking in on what you are doing each day to maybe bring my own capabilities along. Thanks for sharing! Cheers, Mark