Thanks, Kassen, for your reply.
...This is asuming you meant "device" above, not "channel", the MIDI chanel would be in the message.
Yes, sorry, my mistake - I meant device.
Hope that helps at least a little, not sure what you are after here, exactly. It does and I probably wasn't clear. I'm curious to know if, when a shred terminates, there is a way for the application to be made aware of it. For example, there could be a onShredExit(Shred@ shred) callback function automatically called by ChucK just before the shred terminates whose content would be left at the discretion of the user so that for instance s/he could write some code to notify all the objects dependant on this shred. But I guess there would be potential scope issues...
What about functors or some sort of pointers to functions and member functions? Now, that would be really great! Mies