Hi Mitch & Joel, the envelope needs an input like so: Step n => Envelope e => SinOsc c => dac; n.next(1); // you need to put something in the envelope to have a value at the output c.gain(0.1); e.value(100); e.target(1000); e.duration(1::second); hour => now; Hope this helps, Casper
On Sep 4, 2015, at 03:25, Joel Matthys
wrote: Hi Mitch. Yeah, I couldn't get sync to work for frequency either. I guess we should file that as a bug.
The only refinements I would make is to put the code to update the envelope in a separate thread and spork it.
Envelope e => blackhole; 440 => e.value; SinOsc s => dac; 0.1 => s.gain; 100::ms => e.duration;
spork ~gliss (100::samp); while (1) { Math.random2(220,880) => e.target; second => now; }
fun void gliss(dur updateRate) { while (1) { e.value() => s.freq; updateRate => now; } }
On 09/03/2015 07:13 PM, Mitch Kaufman wrote:
Hi list,
I am a relatively new user and am enjoying exploring different areas of ChucK. I was trying to develop a program to create glissons or short particles with a moving frequency range. I came up with an approach but I think there may be an easier way. Here is the program:
SinOsc sin => dac; Envelope env => blackhole; 500.0 => sin.freq => float x; //starting frequency 100::ms => dur rampTime; //ramp time period 0 => env.value; //starting value rampTime => env.duration; 400.0 => env.target; //ramp to target - in this case, 900 Hz now + rampTime => time t; while( now < t ) { // modulate frequency by envelope x+env.value() => sin.freq; // advance time by 100 samples 100::samp => now; }
I think there may be an easier way of doing this using:
Envelope env => SinOsc sin => dac;
But I can't seem to get it working using a proper sin.sync value. Does anyone have any ideas on improving the approach?
Regards, Mitch
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