Hi Adam
Michael - excellent suggestion. FLOSS Manuals seems to have a facility for including code easily. Has anyone tried putting ChucK code in to see if it barfs on it?
I asked Adam at FLOSS Manuals whether there was a sandbox there. There is a partial one, a manual that can be used for testing things: http://www.flossmanuals.net/bin/view/Testing Unfortunately you can't publish it, to test exactly how it will appear to the public, or to export it as a PDF. I entered some ChucK code into a <pre> element. That seemed to work fine in the preview. Though probably needs more testing (for instance, do long lines inside a <pre> element automatically wrap in PDF export? my suspicion is that they might not). Tomasz - I was referring to sections as being farther up the layout
tree than chapters. There are sections and subsections of chapters that seem to do quite well in FLOSS manuals. What I am looking for is a way to make a split in the manual between our tutorials and the reference section. It isn't a pressing issue.
Right, I see. So, it looks like we have some CSS people who can look at the issues
here. FLOSS manuals looks terrible. Fortunately we have full access to the CSS. I would love if someone were to spend some time with this during the Christmas break. I know that Ge spent some time tweaking the website layout. I wouldn't want to throw away too much of that work. The colours and general typesetting make reading the ChucK reference webpages very easy on the eyes.
You mean http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/ right?
The more I think about it the more I am strongly leaning towards FLOSS manuals. The group we have assembled will work most efficiently that way. If we migrate away from this after the sprint then that is ok, but I would like to get as many people involved as possible to start out.
I agree. Other collaboration possibilities: We use Wave or some sort of chat to
talk to each other while we use some other method for building the docs. Right now they are in LaTeX and we could go with that system. I would be happy to accept changes and ideas all day and then just put them into the current system.
Right. Though not a pressing concern at the momoent, in a wave chat with Kassen we both noticed unworkable lag when the number of 'blips' (messages) got large. So unless that gets a fix soon, a simpler chat system might be more appropriate, when we get to that stage. Tomasz