On Sat, Apr 20, 2013 at 09:40:23PM +0200, Philipp Kroos wrote:
Hi! I'm new to this list (and again to ChucK), so hello first ;)
Welcome on board, Phillip!
Is there a way to keep midiports 'open'? I can specify the number of audio io's when starting chuck --loop, can I do the same with midi io? I'm using LASH on linux. My objective is to start ChucK and connect a midikeyboard to it. In previous versions (used dracula before) a midi-port came up in LASH when I started a .ck-file that used a MidiIn-object, and stayed open. In the current version, the ports disappear once the program finishes.
I'm not sure I understand the question. You would like ChucK to be represented as a sort of virtual MIDI synth even after ChucK has finished? I could see the use-case but I think I am also opposed to programs that have returned leaving stuff behind. Could you explain a bit about why it wouldn't do to have ChucK open your keyboard straight and release it at termination? If that wouldn't do, would it be enough to have some sort of virtual port that you could route to and that ChuCk could open? I may not properly understand what you are trying to do and where you run into trouble. Yours, Kas.