Dear fellow ChucKists, Here is a bundle of recent updates! (For regular update, please join the ChucK Community Discord server): https://discord.gg/Np5Z7ReesD ChucK is released: https://chuck.stanford.edu/release/ | What's new? https://chuck.stanford.edu/release/VERSIONS all new WebChucK IDE (v2)! https://chuck.stanford.edu/ide/ Chunity updated on the Unity Asset Store; many stability improvements and updated to the latest ChucK: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/audio/chunity-chuck-for-unity-11... ChuGL (ChucK graphics library, in alpha) has been part of the standard distribution since; give it try! https://chuck.stanford.edu/chugl/ === Want to learn more about recent ChucK and related developments? Here are some publications, to be presented next week at NIME 2024 (New Interfaces for Musical Expression) in Utrecht, Netherlands: Andrew Zhu Aday and Ge Wang “ChuGL: Unified Audiovisual Programming in ChucK.” https://mcd.stanford.edu/publish/files/2024-nime-chugl.pdf Marise van Zyl and Ge Wang “What’s Up ChucK? ChucK Development Update 2024.” https://mcd.stanford.edu/publish/files/2024-nime-chuck-update.pdf https://mcd.stanford.edu/publish/files/2024-nime-chuck.pdf Yikai Li and Ge Wang “ChAI => Interactive AI Tools in ChucK.” https://mcd.stanford.edu/publish/files/2024-nime-chai.pdf Eito Murakami, John Burnett, and Ge Wang “RayTone: A Node-based Audiovisual Sequencing Environment.” https://mcd.stanford.edu/publish/files/2024-nime-raytone.pdf Kunwoo Kim and Ge Wang “VVRMA: VR Field Trip to a Computer Music Center.” (FYI: all in Chunity) https://mcd.stanford.edu/publish/files/2024-nime-vvrma.pdf Keep on ChucKin' Ge! ~~~ Ge Wang Associate Professor Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) Department of Music (also Computer Science, by Courtesy) Stanford University https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~ge/ ~ Senior Fellow & Faculty Associate Director, Stanford HAI ~ Artful Design: Technology in Search of the Sublime! -- what we make, makes us -- https://artful.design/ ~~~