It is quite easy to write to terminal in xy-coordinate layouts - one uses the VT100 escape sequences. I attach an example with a class with some such layout functions (which also contains links to VT100 specs). It should write some text in different colors and positions. There are some problems though: 1. One should have a commands that can write a file as is, without additions. Currently "<<<...>>>" writes type when having only item, a space between items, and a newline. 2. One can use commands like echo off and keyboard lock, which would good when playing the typing keyboard and for not littering the terminal display, but then there is no way to reset that when exiting using an interrupt. This could be fixed by allowing users to write their own function exit() which is called upon an exit or kill signal. 3. For some reason, the echo off escape sequence does not work on my Terminal. One can get around it by using 'Std.system("stty -echo")', but then 'Std.system' must be enabled (it seems) using startup option '--caution-to-the-wind'. And this may not be portable if somebody is using an un-Posix computer. So a function echo() might be useful. Hans