On Sat, Mar 02, 2013 at 06:52:05PM +0000, henrique matias wrote:
There's a few GIT GUIs around:*[1]http://git-scm.com/downloads/guis And whoever uses linux is able to user the terminal, so its fine ( :
Surprisingly, that turns out not to be the case. It turns out that a fair amount of people pick Linux to make more use of a older computer or because they were fed up with some of the less nice bits of Windows, not to get down and dirty with the details of the machine. Let's not go into whether any of that is good or bad, but those people find compiling ChucK a bit scary and tend to end up with a older package to avoid that process. I think that also explains the popularity of the Mini. How we are going to convey that terminals are not scary and indeed often very handy and fast is a yet unsolved issue. "It's not scary" is right up there with "you can trust me" as far as creepy sentences go. Maybe we should document that terminals, GCC and Git are "advanced" topics and "not recommended except for experienced users", that kind of thing seems to have a lot of appeal ;-) Yours, Kas.