2010/4/6 dan trueman
there was some beta integration of the Wii stuff into chuck that Spencer had going, but we've been just using OSC. there are some freeware OSC Wii programs, i believe, and we've just made Max standalones that OSC the Wii stuff to Chuck..
There is also a Linux tool for doing this here http://www.nescivi.nl/wiiosc/ (free as in freedom) and there is Steim's Junxion ( paid but elaborate ) for OSX http://www.steim.org/steim/junxion_v4.html Not sure about the Windows situation, but there is bound to be something. Personally I suggest instead getting one of the (playstation 2) games in the "RealPlay" series. The games are shovelware but they are cheap and come with wire-less controllers and HID-compliant usb-dongles. These are more accurate than the wiimote, cheaper, and fully Hid compliant so you are good to go immediately on any OS. This also eliminates the issues with Nintendo feeling the Bluetooth standard is a invitation to get creative instead of something to follow. Good luck, Kas.