2010/9/28 Kassen
And SubNoise is sample rate independent if you take the sample rate into account when you set its rate. :D
That does assume a infinite sample-rate. The result of a shred and a Envelope/step will also be quantised to the sample-clock, but the rounding error won't carry, like it will with setting SubNoise.
Got it. I just learned something about SubNoise!
This is the 1 Hz weirdness I noticed, by the way. The lines are noise generated at 5 Hz, 1.1 Hz, and 1 Hz. You can see the unnaturally long plateaus that get way out of hand at 1 Hz.
But the 5 Hz shape looks pretty nice.
That's strange! Those should indicate the LPF somehow ends up below the frequency of the subnoise and starts averaging too much. In any case it's not a bias in the randomness as the plateaus tend to run off towards 0. What I can say is that at higher frequencies the frequency resolution in steps per octave of SubNoise will go down and so you will get higher rounding errors in SubNoise. If that frequency ends up above the frequency of the LPF we might see something like what you are seeing?
Hm! -- Tom Lieber http://AllTom.com/ http://favmusic.net/