On 25 Jan 2010, at 06:56, Robert Poor wrote:
class Lunacy extends Trait { public void announce() { <<< "I am lunacy." >>>; } } (new Legacy).invoke(); (new Lunacy).invoke();
It took me a LONG time to find this one (and an even longer time to boil it down to a succinct example). Will the powers that be please take this as a request to beef up the parser?
The manual says that the P3-words (public, protected, private) are available, but not yet fully implemented. But it is a good question as to why one can drop "fun" here. It falls into the category of computer language quirks, or "gotchas" as they are called here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gotcha_(programming) It is a difficult topic. It's like older airplanes often had the flaps up and gears up controls side by side. When landing a plane one must look outside, and not at those controls. So every once in a while, a pilot would make a gears up instead of flaps up when on the ground, resulting in the need for an expensive repair. So modern airplanes usually don't have them side-by-side. Hans