Hi guys, As a newbie I desperately need some accurate advice on a project I have set up. I am currently using an idea I found on the Instructables forum called Illumaphone by Bonniee. see link > http://www.instructables.com/id/Illumaphone-Light-based-Electronic-Musical-I... I wish to use two 'illumaphones' individually controlled by two arduinos so I can vary sounds. I am also using Magic Music Visuals and OBS which is linked to a microphone to allow speech to be converted into text in real time. The idea is that the illumaphones outputs will be sent from the main line output of a macbook but I don't need the speech to make a sound just to trigger words. I am concerned that I won't be able to merge the arduinos sonic output together and whether I will be able to run Magic Music Visuals at the same time. I am using a usb microphone. I am also looking for ways to change the waveforms envelopes and filters in the code and I would be very grateful for any assistance in this so it doesn't muck up the code Many thanks, hope you can help :) Stephi *Stephi LaReine // Fashion & Lifestyle Blogger * StephiLaReine.com // Twitter: @StephiLaReine http://Twitter.com/stephilareine Instagram: @StephiLaReine http://instagram.com/stephilareine // Bloglovin https://www.bloglovin.com/blogs/stephi-lareine-12421965