Good idea. The tutorial section is highly lacking at this point. I will try my best to write something up to add. If you have any code or insights that you would like to share that could help this tutorial please send them along and I will try to add them to the manual.
Very good. "Buchla v.s. Serge" as a analogy is probably too obscure for most even if it's basically the origin of this sort of question. Perhaps it would be good to have a better analogy. I'd be very happy to proof-read your atempt and add to it where I might have some ideas. Right now I don't have any good clear example code that doesn't also involve realy strange stuff I was trying out myself. Perhaps it'd be good to have some example of a sinosc used as a LFO? Maybe something involving a saw osc made with a counter and a modulo function too? We need some realy simple sweeping oscs because with those it's easy to hear what's going on, also to demostrate the effect of various controll rates and maybe even aliassing of "cv" signals? This stuff involves both the fundamentals of simple modulated sounds and the fundamentals of computer music so I imagine a section like that would get quite large very quickly and it'd need some solid proof-reading before we get all kinds of strange ideas into the Princeton students.... I'll have a look at the curent version of step's documentation. Not even sure wether it curently notes how step is similar to a S&H module, I think that's a interesting perspective on it to explain it to people coming from a modular synths background. Kas.